2009年5月22日 星期五





Hello, you've reached Jim and Sonya. We can't pick up the phone right now,

哈囉, 你打來吉姆和珊雅家了! 我們現在沒辦法接聽電話,

because we're doing something we really enjoy. Sonya likes doing it up and down,

因為我們正在做我們愛做的事. 珊雅喜歡上下來,

and I like doing it left to right ...real slowly. So leave a message,

而我喜歡左右來... 要慢慢做. 所以請留下你要說的話,

and when we're done brushing our teeth we'll get back to you.

當我們刷牙刷好後, 我們就會回 call 給你囉!


Hi, this is John.

! 這裏是約翰!

If you are the phone company, I've already sent the money.

如果你是電話公司, 那我已經把錢交了!

If you are my parents, please send money.

如果你是我老爸或老媽, 請把錢寄過來~~

If you are my financial aid institution, you didn't lend me enough money.

如果你是我的債主 (資金援助機構), 你借我的錢還不夠~~

If you are my friends, you owe me money.

如果你是我的朋友, 你還欠我錢!

If you are a female, don't worry, I have plenty of money.

如果你是女的, 別擔心! 我有的是錢~

Hi, I'm probably home, I'm just avoiding someone I don't like.

! 我可能在家, 我只是在躲某些我不喜歡的人.

Leave me a message, and if I don't call back, it's you.

請留言給我, 假如你沒收到我的回 call, 那我躲的人就是你...


Please leave a message. However, you have the right to remain silent.

請留下你要說的話. 但是, 你有保持緘默的權利!

Everything you say will be recorded and will be used by us.



(Sexy female voice with heavy panting)

(答錄機端是一個性感女人的聲音, 還帶著一點喘息的聲音)

Hi, you've reached 555-3456. John is in... (sigh) Oh no, he's out...(aah)

! 這裡是 555-3456 ! 約翰他進來... (喘氣) ~ ,他出去了... ...

Yes, he's in again...(ooh)No he's out... (aah)

, 他又進來了... ... , 他出去了... ...

Why don't you just leave your name and number


and he'll call you as soon as he... comes.

他會在他... "回來" 的時候回 call 你的!
